Safe Platinum Blogger Template is a safelink template that uses a blogger that is useful for securing download links or specific links, this template is up to version 1.0 where the template has a new look from the previous template, a little story about this safelink template which is sad to not display google adsense ads because of Blogger domains are changing, so the solution is to use your own domain or subdomain for installation.
Features | Availability |
Using Crypto JS | True |
Click 2x to bring up the Link Button | True |
SEO Friendly | True |
Responsive | True |
Random Generate Link | True |
Full Page Script or Auto Safelink with random posts when refreshed | True |
Ads on the left and right sidebar | True |
The ads in the post are included to your heart's content | True |
Ads on the top and bottom front pages | True |